Vital Dance for older adults

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

Building on our extensive Vital Dance programme with Trinity Laban and paediatric physiotherapists, we developed a dance programme with physiotherapists and occupational therapists for older adults.

Looking particularly at fall prevention as well as quality of life, weight transference, confidence in movement, spatial awareness and moving from stillness, dance artists, in partnership with occupational therapists and physiotherapists, co-designed and delivered a series of sessions for groups of older adults in rehabilitative care. Workshops consisted of bespoke, bedside sessions as well as larger groups sessions on the ward.

Outcomes and evaluation

The Mile End Hospital Vital Dance project was a pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of creative dance sessions in promoting well-being and adding value to the rehabilitation goals in an older adult population. Staff suggested that there had been positive impacts on the patients both during and after the dance sessions, and strongly agreed that the Vital Dance sessions had improved patients’ current mental wellbeing state during the classes. Furthermore, all staff felt that these effects lasted beyond the session.

Staff also agreed that the additional movement sessions better prepares the patients for discharge from the hospital, and overall that the Vital Dance session aids the patient’s relaxation and positively impacts their treatment.

Complimenting the staff views were comments from visiting family members who participated in, or observed the Vital Dance sessions. For example, one visiting daughter had not seen her mother actively engage in any activity since admission into the hospital some days previously. The patient was singing and clapping along to the music played by the dance artists which evoked a positive emotional experience in both the patient and her daughter.

Laban’s Dance Science team have compiled a report measuring the impact of this work.  To view the report click on the link: VITAL DANCE REPORT

‘Usually [the patient] needs lots of persuasion to stand and it take two of us to assist her. She was really engaged in the session and wanted to join in. She even tried to stand alone but never has before’

Occupational Therapist



